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The Destiny's Closet Series


Destiny's Closet is the adventure of children finding and talking to Jesus in a way that they have never experienced. The journey begins at a young age and continues through high school, college and into the workplace. All are available on Amazon.

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The dream of a child is important and is a hidden gem that can and will shine in their future. Naveed, The Rocket Engineer is an inspirational book for youth and parents not to give up on the dream, because with God, all things are possible.  


The idea for this book came from a conversation about the past experiences as a child having to learn scriptures every Easter for the program that every parent helped their child to prepare for. I pray that this book will be an
inspiration to future generations spend time and learn Bible scriptures as there is life in the Word.


A young student is interested in learning coding programs. He applies and is rejected because of his age. He does not give up and tries again and is accepted. Eventually he develops something that is revolutionary and opens his own company. We all have potential, which is invisible in a thought or idea to become a visible manifestation. There is always the ability within to do something more.

 Selah has grown up from learning Bible verses to the adventure of writing a book. She wants everyone to know that she talks to Jesus and that they can too. Children have dreams and ideas that not have potential, but purpose.


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